James Lui
Corporate User (Metropolitan Water District of So. California)
Professional Role & Oracle Products Used
DBA and PM - On Premise and OCI Cloud
eBusiness Suite R12.2.8
Enterprise Manager - On Premise and Cloud
Peoplesoft/HCM Cloud
Taleo Cloud
What makes the OATUG mission meaningful to you?
OATUG provides multiple channels of direct communications between Oracle customers and vendors without the politics and censorship found in alternative forums.
Why are you running for the Board, and what skills, connections, resources and expertise do you have to offer the organization?
Multi-role Coordination (Technical and Functional expertise)
Multi-User Group Leadership (OATUG, IOUG, Quest, Red Cross, CERT)
I think outside boxes and unify diverse opinions.
Other OATUG and Volunteer Experience:
2024 OATUG Board Member
2023 OATUG Treasurer
2022 OATUG President
AOC GEO/SIG Committee Member
Collaborate Conference Chair
IOUG Board of Directors
SROAUG Board of Directors
Enterprise Mgr for Apps SIG Chair