Ascend 2023 – By the Numbers

Member's Corner

Ascend 2023 – By the Numbers

More than 1,700 people from the Oracle user community participated in the third annual Ascend conference, June 11-14 in Orlando. By all accounts it was a huge success. Read on for highlights and photos!

Record In-Person Registration

More people attended Ascend 2023 in person than ever before. We welcomed 1,183 in-person registrants and 551 virtual registrants who represented 480 different companies or organizations.

Ascend 2023 Attendees Lining Up to Check in at the Registration Desk

Multinational Participation

Ascend registrants represented 27 different countries around the world. And, 47 of the in-person registrants were from 15 countries outside North America.

Presentations from Oracle Customers

More Oracle customers submitted presentation abstracts for Ascend than ever before. And, 56 of those customers presented their sessions live in person at Ascend in Orlando.

Attendees chose from 262 different sessions at Ascend 2023

Over 260 Sessions in 12 Tracks

Ascend participants had many options to hear customer case studies, best practices, new innovations, and more in 262 sessions presented by 186 primary presenters and 86 co-presenters.

Ascend 2023 sessions were well attended and interactive

Many Opportunities to Meet with Oracle

A total of 107 Oracle employees participated in the Ascend conference; 79 of them attended in person.

In-person attendees participated in eight different Oracle Meet-the-Experts Sessions.

Many Attendees visited the Oracle Demo Grounds
Meet the Experts Sessions Were Very Popular

6 OATUG and OHUG Award Winners Recognized

The Monday morning opening session included recognition of OATUG and OHUG award winners, including:

  • Ravikanth Prabhu, OATUG Member of the Year
  • Kate Helmer, OATUG Women in Technology Leadership Award
  • Manish Naik, OATUG Emerging Leader Award
  • Manjula Ganapati, OATUG Star Presenter - User
  • Mia Urman, OATUG Star Presenter - Associate
  • Gaurav Sehgal, OHUG Karen Busko Award for Outstanding Volunteerism
OATUG President Dianne DeNezza and Member of the Year Ravikanth Prabhu

Nearly $2500 raised for the Make-A-Wish Foundation

Continuing the Ascend tradition of giving back to the community, participants raised nearly $2500 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation to help children who have critical illnesses.

500 T-shirts given away by Vibranium Sponsor Oracle Cloud

Attendees lined up to receive custom Ascend 2023 t-shirts provided by Oracle Cloud.

Dozens of photos taken by in-person attendees at the Sunset Getaway party photo booth

A Wide Range of Oracle Products and Job Functions Represented

Ascend registrants use a variety of Oracle Products in their jobs, including E-Business Suite, Analytics/BI, Database, and many cloud applications.

Similarly, many job functions were represented, including Technology Management, Finance/Accounting, Human Resources, and Sales and Marketing.

Tremendous Partner Support

A whopping 98 companies supported Ascend 2023 as sponsors or exhibitors. We're particularly grateful to Vibranium Sponsors: Oracle Cloud, Amazon Web Services, Service Now and Syntax as well as Diamond Sponsors ArcLight Consulting, Argano, and ConfigSnapshot.

3 Months of Access to Session Recordings On-Demand

Ascend 2023 attendees can continue to access session recordings on-demand in the conference app until mid-September.

2 Hosting Organizations

OATUG and OHUG have partnered on the Ascend conference since 2021.

11 Months until Ascend 2024

Plan now to join the Oracle community June 17-20 in Las Vegas for Ascend 2024!