

Wondering how other companies handle issues you are faced with? 

Ask the Asset SIGPose a question to the members of the SIG.

Share your knowledge with the the group.

Tricks of the TradeShare with the group lessons learned.

Knowledge Sharing

Do you have an issue to discuss or a post to submit? Click here to log into Assets SIG Knowledge Factory.

Issues & ResolutionsShare with the group issues that you faced and how you overcame these issues.

Issues & Resolutions:

Small Business Jobs Act – became law on September 27, 2010

Published Articles:

Oracle has issued a patch for the 100% bonus depreciation issue

Oracle Documents:

View Oracle Asset Community Discussion 100 Bonus

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Testing the various options to implement the 100% Bonus Depreciation

Strategic Enhancements

Following are the strategic enhancements we have discussed and various suggestions that have come from the SIG. Also, where available, you will find questionnaires related to specific enhancements for you to complete and return to Oracle.

  1. Click here to download Enhancement Request Voting Spreadsheet
  2. Assets Enhancements Voting Results from OATUG Asset SIG
  3. Top 6 Enhancements passed on to Oracle Development
  4. Other Enhancements not yet passed on

Oracle wants to hear from you

  1. How are companies handling short tax years, are they utilizing Oracle's functionality?
  2. Do customers want to have a different format for Depreciation Projection?  If so what?  Have they tried the What-if functionality for same?
  3. Are customers looking to have the attachments in Mass Additions be copied to the new records while performing a split?

Feel free to send responses to the Board of Directors email.