
OTM User Conferences
July 27-30, 2025
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March 19-21, 2025
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Nov 21 - 22, 2024
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Click here to view presentations and videos of previous events
Click here to join the OTM SIG for free

What is OTM?

OTMOracle Transportation Management (OTM) provides a single platform for companies to manage all transportation activity throughout their Supply Chains. The solution allows companies to minimize cost, optimize service levels, and create flexible business process automation within their global transportation and logistics networks. Specifically designed to support the needs of both shippers and Logistics Service Providers (LSPs), OTM creates an information bridge across functional silos, geographic regions, languages, currencies, and business units. Combining ease of use with sophisticated and broad logistics functionality, OTM supports customers with basic transportation needs as well as those with highly complex logistics requirements.

Who is the OTM SIG?

sharepoint collaborationThe Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) Special Interest Group (SIG) belongs to the wider OATUG.  The OTM SIG is a community with a special interest in coming together to share best practices, success techniques, lessons learned as well as to communicate our wants and needs to influence OTM/GTM product direction through yearly conferences and regular webinars.

To keep abreast with our activities, please register for free.

Important Reminders

  • Help Lead Your Industry as a Board Member for the Oracle Transportation Management Special Interest

    Help Lead Your Industry as a Board Member for the Oracle Transportation Management Special Interest Group (OTM SIG)

    Call for Candidates Submission Deadline:

    The OTM SIG invites you to join your colleagues and contemporaries to represent a collective membership of professionals dedicated to promoting, shaping and leading the future of Oracle Transportation Management.  As an OTM SIG Board Member, you join a dedicated team of professionals working together to:

    • Help promote the ideals and activities of the OATUG in the region
    • Enable communication with Oracle on direction and strategy
    • Share information and experiences among users, managers, and IT professionals
    • Be a conduit for recommended enhancements to Oracle products or processes
    • Provide feedback to Oracle from the user community
    • Facilitate conferences, training and education among the user community
    • Provide representation for the OTM SIG at national and local events

    The Call for Candidates
    The OTM SIG bylaws authorize 18 client voting members, 6 partner non-voting members, 1 Oracle liaison, and 2 Technology positions on the Board of Directors. 

    To ensure the continuity of the OTM SIG direction and strategy, we do not replace our entire board of directors at the same time.  Rather, every year a portion of the board is re-elected.  The 2024 election will fill 8 open seats:  3 Clients for Americas, 3 Clients for Regional, 1 Partner for Americas, and 1 Partner for Regional.

    OTM SIG Board Organization
    The OTM SIG Board positions include:

    • 9 Americas Client positions, 3 Americas Partner/Consultancy positions, 1 Technology position
    • 9 Regional Client positions, 3 Regional Partner/Consultancy positions, 1 Technology position
    • 1 Oracle Liaison

    After each election, the OTM SIG board elects a Board Chair for Americas and Regional.  Preference will be given to a director who has served at least one year. In the best interest of the OTM SIG and to maintain the focus of the user-based community, the chair role is limited to client candidates.

    Regional positions will focus on outreach in the APAC/EMEA regions to gain a global presence with the OTM SIG.

    The individuals elected to the Americas and Regional Technology positions will be members who work for companies with software or technology tools that interface or extend off the OTM / GTM software.  Technology members must be an Oracle Partner and sell their solutions through Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

    Expectations of OTM SIG Board Members
    Regular participation in quarterly conference calls is required, as well as weekly board meetings and more frequent meetings leading up to our annual conference.  This averages approximately 4-6 volunteer hours per month and is essential for the board to function properly and to be successful in all of its endeavors.  The board may have one in-person annual planning meeting per year prior to the OTM Conference.

    Application Process
    If you would like to help shape the future direction of the OTM SIG, complete the 
    Candidate Submission Form no later than midnight EST, November 1, 2024. The form requires the following information:

    • Name
    • Position for which you want to be considered (Americas Client, Americans Partner/Consultancy, Regional Client or Regional Partner/Consultancy)
    • Company/Title
    • Address
    • Email Address
    • Contact Phone
    • Candidate Biography
    • Photo (optional)

    Biography Guidelines
    Candidate biographies are limited to a total of 250 words or fewer. We encourage the use of bulleted lists within your biographical submission to assist the voting members during their review of the ballot. The inclusion of a photograph with your submission is optional. Please include in your biography:

    1. Why you are running for the OTM SIG Board of Directors and what you can contribute to the organization
    2. A description of your leadership and strategic planning skills or experience
    3. Previous volunteer contributions to the OATUG or other user groups
    4. Special Notes / Requirements / Qualifications

    OTM SIG Board of Directors Guidelines

    • Both Partner/Consultancy and Oracle Liaison role are non-voting positions.
    • Oracle liaisons will assist the board as requested.
    • Americas Board meets weekly on Fridays at 11:00 am EST. Regional Board meets weekly date and time dependent on conference planning cycle.
    • Board positions are granted to an individual not a company and may not be substituted by individual board members.
    • In the event the chair is unable to meet specified requirements, the board will appoint a new chair to fulfill those requirements through the end of the term.
    • In the event a board member is unable to hold their position the voting results will be consulted and the person for the vacated role with the next highest results will be invited to join the board.
    • In the event a board member transitions to a new company the board member will have 90 days from the time of vacating their company to secure a position that meets the board member criteria.  If a new position is not secured, the voting results will be consulted and the person for the vacated role with the next highest results will be invited to join the board.  The balance of client/consultancy must be maintained at all times.

    Electoral Process
    The electoral process will follow the guidelines set by OATUG; elections to be held every year with alternating expiring seats. The election process will be fully managed by OATUG in compliance with OATUG bylaws.

     Elections will be held annually with:

    • Americas – 3 client seats and 1 partner/consultancy seats will become available each year.
    • APAC/EMEA – 3 client seats and 1 partner/consultancy seat will become available each year.
    • Each Americas and APAC/EMEA Technology board members will be elected every three years starting with the 2019 elections.
    • Clients, and Partners/Consultancies may hold only 1 seat per company per region.
    • The OTM SIG board reserves the right to review results and ensure election guidelines are upheld in the case of a discrepancy.
    • Oracle will have one liaison on the board to be appointed by the Oracle OTM Product Leadership team. 
    • Voting will end at midnight November 22, 2024. 

    Election Guidelines
    Several changes have been made to the electoral process to ensure that the OTM SIG remains an independent, user-driven board. The following voting requirements have been implemented to ensure that the election is fair and not skewed by any single company:

    Voting shall be restricted to individuals who meet the following guidelines:

    • Registered OTM SIG member as of midnight EST on November 4.
    • Employee of a company that is designated as a current or future end user of Oracle Transportation Management. Employees of consulting companies, including Oracle, and Software Providers will be ineligible to vote.

    Ballots will be sent to email addresses of individuals that are current OTM SIG members and will include a voting key.  Voting keys are a unique identifier that ensures only you can vote and that the vote can only be submitted once.

    Based on the honor system, the first question asked on the ballot will be “Is your company a current or future end user of OTM?”, and a no answer will be our flag to eliminate the vote from the tally.

    Voters will enter their name/company/and email address on the ballot, when the election is closed, those who answered no to the end user question will be discarded. Board members will also review the results and have the right to throw out votes that do not meet the guidelines.

    Call for Candidates Submission Deadline: Midnight EST, November 1, 2024

  • Spotlight on Innovation: Share Your Expertise at the OTM User Conference Americas

    Have you successfully migrated to using OTM / GTM in your company recently and would like to present on your success story?

    Have you enhanced existing or implemented new integration processing with OTM / GTM?

    Are you an expert in OTM / GTM on base data requirements and would like to present on best practices, lessons learned and items to watch out for?

    Do you have a success story in cost savings, reduction in transit and lead times, or increased operational efficiencies leveraging OTM / GTM?

    Have you migrated from on-prem to cloud OTM / GTM recently and want to share your success story with others?

    If you've been navigating the complexities of modern logistics with innovative solutions, the 2024 OTM SIG Users Conference Americas is your stage to shine.

    This year, we invite you to contribute your insights and experiences as a speaker.

    Submit Your Paper

    Why Present?

    • Complimentary Registration: As a token of our appreciation, the primary presenter will receive a complimentary pass to the conference – a value of approximately $1,000.

    • Career Advancement: Presenting in front of 400-500 attendees elevates your professional profile.

    • Network Building: Foster connections with key Oracle users and contributors, bolstering valuable relationships for future growth.

    Proposal Submissions

    • Consultants and Tech Partners: If you plan to propose multiple sessions, we encourage including a client co-presenter for at least one session.

    • Recognition: The primary presenter for each selected presentation will enjoy the benefits of complimentary conference access.


    • Purpose: Sessions should be educational, steering clear of sales or advertising content.

    • Review: All presentations are subject to the OTM SIG Board review to ensure they meet our standards.

    • Duration: Each presentation should take 50 minutes, including Q&A.

    • Deadline: Mark your calendar - the submission deadline is April 4, 2024.

    • Notifications: We'll announce accepted presentations in May 2024.

    Submit Your Paper Today

    Take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity to share your expertise and learn from fellow innovators. Submit your proposal today and be a part of shaping the future of OTM.

    Reminder: The submission deadline is April 4, 2024.

    Submit your Paper

OATUG News and Announcements

Upcoming Events

March 2025

Starts:  Mar 19, 2025 05:00 PM (NL)
Ends:  Mar 21, 2025 01:00 PM (NL)
Where:   Marriott, Stadhouderskade, Amsterdam