Multi-Currency Best Practices in Oracle ERP Cloud and EBS

When:  Oct 4, 2022 from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM (ET)
Oracle ERP Cloud and E-Business Suite have excellent multi-currency functionality. We will cover how it works and what configuration and processes you need to make it work efficiently.

We will put forward best practice proposals based on the experience of hundreds of FXLoader clients, including:
- Setup of rate types for daily transactions and period end processes
- Rates sources - market rates providers, official central bank rates, statutory requirements
- Inverses, averages, rounding
- Reconciling to rates applied by your bank

Learning Objectives:
1.) How multi-currency works in Oracle ERP Cloud and EBS
2.) Best practices for the source of rates, including countries with statutory requirements
3.) Best practices for transaction conversion, revaluation and translation

Educational Tracks:

Presented by:
@Peter Care - Technical Director, FXLoader 
@Bert Tavares - Global Accounts, FXLoader ​​​​​


Online Instructions:
Login: Please follow the link to register for this free webinar.

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