Wouldn t it be great if you had a simple report that could tell you if you had any critical issues in your EBS environment, and it also gave simple directions for fixing them?! That amazing report does exist, and it is generated from the Analyzer Diagnostics. These are the most important...
10758-E-Business Suite Analyzer Diagnostics ___ Simply a MUST HAVE for all Companies-Presentation_880.pdf
A large B2B company customized and integrated Oracle CRM On Demand (CRMOD) cloud application with premise based Oracle EBS (EBS) using SOA Suite. This integration enables the sales teams to be mobile by using CRMOD. Real time integration of sales orders helps operation teams to process orders in...
10574-Sales Order Processing Using Customized CRM On-Demand Integrated With Oracle EBS-Presentation_651.pdf
This is a technical session targeted towards developers and business analysts on Oracle Product Data Hub implemented as a module within Oracle Enterprise Business Suite. It will include an overview of the module and its capabilities, such as multi-row user defined attributes, integration with...
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This session will focus on the key factors found to be of most importance when migrating data from Primavera Contract Management (PCM) to the Unifier platform. Presenter will draw insights from recent projects completed and provide guidance on steps taken during the preparation phase which...
10733-Migrating PCM Data to Unifier-Presentation_863.pdf
This session will focus on the overall workflow solution that provides McDonald the ability to manage its Chart of Accounts segments, hierarchies, and code combinations across McDonald Global Financial Systems. We will discuss the role Data Relationship Management plays as a single version of...
10566-Chart of Accounts Maintenance Using Data Relationship Manager and a Custom Approval Workflow-Presentation_639.pdf
Wearable tech has come a long way. Once considered science fiction, these devices can now be bought on Amazon. But despite consumer success, many businesses are still firming up their overall enterprise mobility strategy and just beginning to explore the idea of wearable tech for their more...
This presentation will explore the use of the javacript library d3.js (Data Driven Documents) to present Primavera Analytics data in new ways. It will use the example of a Milestone Trend Analysis to examine both the strengths of the data modeling aspects of Primavera Analytics, as well as the...
10744-Enhancing Graphics in Primavera Analytics with Data Driven Documents-Presentation_871.pdf
This presentation explains how the technology utilized for user provisioning works with Primavera Cloud hosted products, and how administrators can use the Primavera Cloud Administration tool to add and maintain users. #Mentoring #WholesaleDistribution #NaturalResources #OATUG Conference...
10748-Primavera Cloud_ User Security and Administration-Presentation_874.pdf
P6 has long been the global standard for planning and progressing projects based upon a schedule of activities. Unifier configurable, yet robust process engine allows any enterprise to digitize the myriad of business processes that govern their project planning and execution. Starting with 15.1...
Oracle provides AME approval process for PO and GL, but not for OM. There is a dire need to have approval workflow enabled for Return orders, as the Credits are issued to the customer and proper Audit is needed. Currently the approval is maintained out of the EBS system mainly carried through...
10338-Return workflow Approval Process-Presentation With Notes_489.pdf
The Oracle Applications & Technology Users Group (OATUG), formerly the Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG), is the world’s largest education, networking and advocacy forum for Oracle Applications & Technology users.