Description: Join OATUG’s Emerging Leader group to learn ways you can catapult your career to the next level by leveraging the power of mentorship. This group focuses on professional development for young professionals and/or those new to Oracle applications and technology. Whether trying to...
An Emerging Leader Panel_ Using Mentorship to Advance Your Career.mp4
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Abstract: It takes a lot to achieve our desired goals: drive, intentionality, performance and advocating for ourselves and for what we need to be successful. For many, that last one is the toughest. What negotiation strategies do we need to be successful, and when and how are they best applied...
WIT Panel- Negotiating with Confidence.mp4
Abstract: With so many careers transitioning to a remote work environment, it is more important than ever to acquire the necessary skills to lead remote teams. What do you need to know as a leader? But what could also be useful to understand as a member of a remote team? Join this Women in...
OATUG WIT Panel.mp4
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This session is in association with our OATUG 6-part Professional Development Series . Abstract: It’s time to take where we are to the next level. But what does that look like in today’s world? Hear this powerful panel of women share out about the challenges they are now facing as well...
Opportunities in the Workforce with the Women in Technology.mp4
Abstract: Since the world of work looks very different today as we know it, many of us are asking: “What now? What next?” Join us for a Women in Technology panel discussion as two OATUG community standouts share their personal career transition stories, how they made their leaps of faith...
How to Transform Your Career from Just “Surviving” to “Thriving”.mp4
View the Women in Technology Program’s kickoff event, a panel discussion with women that are leading the way in technology. Panelists: Ida Quamina - Managing Director, EPM Higher Education and Healthcare - Huron Consulting Group Sarah Mills - Senior Director, JDE...
The Oracle Applications & Technology Users Group (OATUG), formerly the Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG), is the world’s largest education, networking and advocacy forum for Oracle Applications & Technology users.